Sightseeing Made Easy

Open Pass is an online system for selling and redeeming attraction tickets specialising in multi-attraction passes

Designed specifically for the attraction industry, Open Pass connects attractions with distribution partners – from local hotels to global OTAs – and ultimately to the widest possible range of buyers. The platform seamlessly delivers increased sales, whilst offering customers choice and value for money.

Open Pass is the leading destination pass provider in the UK with a range of multi-attraction passes well-established across the country. Our successful model builds long-lasting partnerships between attractions, both large and small, DMOs, hotels and VICs. It provides a complete destination offer that appeals to visitors and is flexible, simple to set up and even easier to use.

If you are looking to reach new audiences and increase revenue, then Open Pass is the solution

Open Pass Map

Open Pass. One System. Endless Options.

The Open Pass system is designed to be flexible. The core of our belief is to increase options and opportunities within the tourism industry. We have developed a range of pass structures from all-inclusive to discount passes and ‘build-your-own’ options.

We work closely with DMOs and other partners to create multi-attraction passes that are designed to meet their individual requirements. Using the Open Pass system means that a truly bespoke product can be created. 

Our openPASS and selectPASS pass options are choice-based and offer visitors convenience, whilst saving them money and showcasing the best a destination has to offer at the same time.

Destination Passes

The Open Pass system underpins destination passes across the UK. Find out more about our existing passes here.

Develop a Destination Pass with Us

open pass passes

Developing a destination pass has many benefits – it builds and solidifies relationships between attractions and partners, creating a complete destination offer and encouraging new visitors.  Attractions enjoy increased visitor numbers, partners receive an additional revenue stream and customers save money with greater choice and flexibility.

We handle everything from contracts through to training and unlimited support. We can assist with pass branding and build your pass website if required. Once a pass is set up the Open Pass system manages all aspects including bookings, admissions, invoicing and commission payments. It really is that simple!

Not Just Passes...

Although Open Pass specialises in multi-attraction passes we also provide the platform for individual ticket sales. Our trade partners all have the option to sell individual tickets, from non-allocated admissions through to allocated timed bookings. We provide the booking system for a number of guided tours products in the UK, including Visit Cambridge & Beyond, Experience Oxfordshire and Rutherfords Punting Company. Whether it’s a traditional attraction entry or a timed departure for a tour, once a partner is working with us we can easily connect them to trade partners with a click of a button.

We work with a wide range of attractions across the UK, as well as DMOs, hotels and OTAs as part of our expanding marketplace that builds relationships and sales across all aspects of tourism.